Introducing The Ultimate DIGITAL Code Red Check Card Collection!
We're waving goodbye to the days of purchasing physical check cards that often get damaged, soiled or lost soon after you've bought them and embracing digital ownership instead!
You'll have instant and permanent access to them on your phone - so if you come across an incident while off duty, you'll still have your check cards ready to go! Plus being a digital product, this cuts out the cost of printing and shipping - meaning the price is more affordable too!
Not quite ready to go completely digital? You can still print out copies if you wish and then easily replace them when required. We've also included greyscale copies of each check card in this bundle to reduce printing costs too.
So what's in the bundle?
How to assess and manage patients with major trauma as a team - no matter what clinical grade you are! This check card comes with trauma tips written by an experienced hazardous area response team paramedic to maximise team efficiency and patient survivability.
SAMPLE History Taking
Master patient history taking and stay on track with this SAMPLE prompt card. This will structure your conversation with the patient and allow you to quickly gain essential information on signs and symptoms, allergies, medication prescribed, previous medical history, last oral intake and events leading to the incident to establish differential diagnoses and formulate appropriate treatment plans.
Casualty Observations
No patient report form? No problem! This observation check card provides the perfect prompt to obtaining casualty observations as a responder. It includes a Wong-Baker style pain score for children and also normal patient parameters to compare your observations to (adapted from JRCALC Ambulance Guidelines).
PQRST Pain Score
A useful prompt card on gaining more information from patients reporting pain. Includes a space to note pain scores pre and post treatment, along with details of treatment given such as pain relief or splintage.
Burns Rule of Nines
This helpful check card includes the Wallace Rule of Nines tool to help you estimate the percentage of body surface burned along with a description of the three different types of burn you may encounter.
NATMIST Patient Handover Form
Give quick and succinct handovers with this handy check card. Whether it's to an ambulance crew, ED sister or large resus team - this card will help you deliver quick, confident and competent handovers.
Cardiac Arrest Flow Chart
This flow chart has been adapted from the UK Resus Council Basic Life Support Guidelines - with the added extra of major external haemorrhage management. Remember, there's no point in starting CPR and pumping out whatever blood is left!
Preparing for and Breaking Bad News
Despite the fact that fewer than 1 in 10 people survive an out-of-hospital cardiac arrest, there is very little guidance on how to break bad news pre-hospital and even less on PREPARING to break bad news. This check card will help you fire 'warning shots' and manage relative/loved ones expectations when a patient is not responding to resuscitation attempts - with the ultimate aim of providing support and softening the shock of suddenly losing a loved one. This is a very sensitive topic, but an important one in terms of trying to support the grieving process and reduce levels of PTSD. The tips are based on the author's 10 years of paramedic experience where they frequently operated in a family liaison role at cardiac arrests.
M-ETHANE Incident Report Form
The M/ETHANE model is an established JESIP reporting framework which provides a structure for responders to share incident information. This format can be used for all incidents - not just major ones, as M/ETHANE can be adapted to an ‘ETHANE’ message instead.
Ten Second Triage Tool
The Ten Second Triage (TST) tool was created following the Manchester Arena Attack in 2017. It has replaced all other pre-hospital triage tools previously used (such as NASMED) and is designed to be quick, simple and effective at prioritising large numbers of casualties rapidly with a focus on immediately providing lifesaving interventions such as control of severe bleeding and opening the airway. All pre-hospital responders can use this tool and its simplicity minimises cognitive burden for dealing with very challenging circumstances.
The TST shows the recommended triage priority depending on the patient's presentation and injuries (P1, P2 and P3 or Not Breathing - as non-clinicians can not confirm death).
Ten Second Triage Tally Chart
A helpful check card that allows for a quick tally of the patients you encounter, along with what priority they have been categorised as.
This new tool has been developed to help responders identify and report potential exposure to a hazardous substance. First responders, without putting themselves at undue risk, may have an opportunity to attain information from casualties which supports a CRESS assessment. This includes:
C - CONSCIOUSNESS – What is the level of consciousness?
R - RESPIRATION – What is the respiratory rate – is it increased or decreased?
E - EYES – Examination of pupils and their reaction;
S - SECRETIONS – Are there increased or decreased secretions;
S - SKIN – Examine for colour and other signs such as sweating
If responders observe incapacitated casualties for no explainable reason – they must consider whether to proceed any closer to avoid becoming a further casualty themselves.
CBRNe Substance Assessment
This check card includes the BAD COLDS tool. This may be used to report characteristics of any substance(s) causing concern, will help to categorise and potentially lead to subsequent identification of the substance(s) along with triggering the deployment of specialist resources.
Decontamination: Remove Remove Remove
This check card provides a REMOVE³ prompt on what to do in the event of an incident where people have been exposed to, or contaminated by a potentially hazardous substance. The REMOVE³ principles should be utilised, ideally within 15 minutes of contamination, to remove skin contaminants or have their effects reduced - thereby helping to reduce further injury or death.
Penthrox® (Methoxyflurane) CHECKALLL
This handy check card provides contraindications for you to rule out prior to the administration of penthrox to a patient.
The final check card provides a space make notes on whatever comes your way - examples include patient details, helpful numbers, timings of drugs..the possibilities are endless!
By purchasing this product, you agree to use it solely for personal, individual use. Sharing, distributing, or reproducing this product in any form without explicit permission is strictly prohibited.
All rights reserved.
Code Red Training Check Cards
Due to the digital nature of this product, refunds will not be given.
By purchasing this product, you agree to use it solely for personal, individual use. Sharing, distributing, or reproducing this product in any form without explicit permission is strictly prohibited.
All rights reserved.